Concrete Poem Posters Series
Poster series
Expressive type
Poster series
Expressive type

Poster series and close-ups
Concrete, pattern, or shape poetry is an arrangement of linguistic elements in which the typographical effect is more important in conveying meaning than verbal significance. It is sometimes referred to as visual poetry, a term that has now developed a distinct meaning of its own.
This poster series was part of my first research project during my time at Oklahoma State University. I took the liberty to appropriate a quote from Dr. Oliver Sacks. I studied each word and made subtle modifications to unearth deeper emotions and ideas.
Font in use ::: Bodoni.
Font in use ::: Bodoni.
Concrete Poem Spreads
Layout design
Expressive type

Layouts and documentation of creative process
This is the continuation of the Concrete Poem Posters Series. The creative process yielded me to work with found imagery, drawing, and photography. These mediums allowed me to push the boundaries of meaning from the original quote.
Reader : MFA Graduate Review 2017-18
Layout design
Layout design

This reader documents my design praxis from two graduate classes: Graphic Design Theory and Graphic Design Special Topics. The paperback book counting 65 pages is a home for essays, notes, research proposals, a book review, and analytical responses to topics of my interest.
The heart of the writing is propelled by other writers such as Steve McCarthy with his book Designer As and Kyna Leski with her book The Storm of Creativity. These books helped me understand my role as a graphic designer and the importance of being open to discoveries and surprises within my creative process. For MacCarthy, I wrote a series of responses to four of his chapters. In the same manner, I wrote a review for Leski’s book, while experimenting with abstract footage as a visual response to her book title and content. Added to that, I had the pleasure to continue practicing my research skills in the Special Topics class, with topics related to immigration, internet of things, facial recognition, and speech editing software.
The heart of the writing is propelled by other writers such as Steve McCarthy with his book Designer As and Kyna Leski with her book The Storm of Creativity. These books helped me understand my role as a graphic designer and the importance of being open to discoveries and surprises within my creative process. For MacCarthy, I wrote a series of responses to four of his chapters. In the same manner, I wrote a review for Leski’s book, while experimenting with abstract footage as a visual response to her book title and content. Added to that, I had the pleasure to continue practicing my research skills in the Special Topics class, with topics related to immigration, internet of things, facial recognition, and speech editing software.
Urban Interactions
Layout design
Reflective writing

This collection of writings makes new perspectives on interaction design. This idea emerged in Downtown Tulsa— an environment that I once thought as a familiar place, before discovering that the common can be new and surprising. My daily journeys through Downtown Tulsa began with evening walks— intending to find interactions embedded in walking, collecting, observing, listening, and capturing urban textures as the visual evidence of my walks. The materials that I am gathering are decaying, passive, and unnoticed by many. The goal of this gathering was to make further use of images through a series of form studies.