Eastern New Mexico University
This is a course in the fundamentals, in-depth exploration of practices, and possibilities with letterforms. It includes the study of design principles, typefaces, type anatomy, and the varied use of typography in the visual communication process.

The class structure is primarily studio-oriented and project-based. It consists of multiple major assignments, visual presentations on the masterworks of typography and other applicable subjects, as well as short readings, reports, and class discussions.

Teaching Blog for Inspiration NiceGlyphs.Tumblr.com︎︎︎

Experimental Letterforms

Students were challenged to embrace the endless possibilities of shape stencils to explore a wide range of letterforms. Each week, students were challenged with a playful and dynamic prompt to experiment (thin it, stretch it, twist it, mirror it, etc.)

Intro to Typographic Layouts (weekly exercises)

In this project, students analyzed and refined a piece of text. Each week focused on different parameters and typographic gestures to explore.
︎ One point size+One weight
︎One point size+Two weights
︎Two point sizes+One weight
︎Two point sizes+Two weights
︎Any point sizes/weights+Lines & shapes

This series was supported by lectures and brief software tutorials— as a strategy to acquire a solid foundation for practicing purposeful typography. For each of the five weeks, three distinct layouts were developed and discussed in groups.

Type Specimen Poster

Students researched the history of a typeface to formulate a short report as a starting point to generate a typographic layout using the techniques acquired in the weekly exercises (above).

Typographic Cube

mariofbm [at] auburn.edu ::: [9I8] • 5O6 • 5224 
mario F. Bocanegra Martinez ::: Graphic / Motion Designer + Educator